The No-Show Furry Fundraiser
October 1, 2020 @ 9:00AM — November 30, 2020 @ 12:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
It’s unconventional, but it’s easy. There’s no gala to attend, no need for a babysitter, no need to dress up, no need to be around a crowd.

Where to begin … this year has been rough. When COVID-19 reared its ugly head in March, we had no idea how dramatically it would impact our organization. Even now, I can’t begin to fathom the full repercussions this pandemic will have on Oklahoma Alliance for Animals and the pets we serve.
We had to cancel our Woofstock adoption event and postpone our annual fundraising gala – Fur Ball – along with numerous other fundraising events we would have normally hosted throughout the year.
Yet, as we cancel or postpone the critical events that financially support our organization, the need for our help skyrockets throughout our community.
Since the pandemic began, we’ve distributed more than 15,000 pounds of dog and cat food to pet parents in need – most struggling because COVID-19 put them out of work. We’re asked daily by frantic and heartbroken pet parents to assist with emergency veterinary procedures to save dogs and cats – who without our intervention, would lose their lives. While animal shelters, fellow rescuers, and community members plead for help with stray, injured, and abandoned animals from every corner of the state. Animal shelters are full. Pets are dying. The heartbreak continues, and the progress our state was making in combating the pet overpopulation problem seemed to come to a screeching halt.
But, I won’t accept this. We must do something. And we need you.
Introducing OAA’s No-Show Furry Fundraiser.
It’s unconventional, but it’s easy. There’s no gala to attend, no need for a babysitter, no need to dress up, no need to be around a crowd. You can make your personal donation or sponsorship to Oklahoma Alliance for Animals from the comfort of your own home with your pet nestled at your feet.
And while there is no in-person event, that doesn’t mean there won’t be value added for businesses and organizations that choose to sponsor our first ever No-Show Furry Fundraiser. Included you will find our sponsorship levels and benefits.
Our goal is to raise $100,000. It’s lofty, yes, but we know there are many animal-loving people and organizations who will partner with us, so we can keep making a positive impact in the lives of pets across the state. Please consider making a donation – small or large – to support Oklahoma Alliance for Animals. We’re needed more than ever before, which means you’re needed more than ever before, too.
*You can also email for a form. Forms and checks can be mailed to Oklahoma Alliance for Animals, 5321 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 30, Tulsa, OK 74145.